

1,755 results found

Number Title place of publication Publisher Publication Year Marginal Lines Page Border Size Line and Word Numbers the fold of a rare book page the black “fishtail” in the space between Narrative Portraya Related Information
101 고봉화상선요(高峰和尙禪要) 경상 울산 운흥사(雲興寺) 1681 四周單邊 19×14 8行18字 2葉花紋 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
102 고봉화상선요(高峰和尙禪要) 전라 낙안 징광사(澄光寺) 1686 四周單邊 19×13.5 8行18字 2葉花紋 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
103 고봉화상선요(高峰和尙禪要) 경상 문경 봉암사(鳳巖寺) 1701 四周單邊 23×17 10行20字 2葉花紋 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
104 고봉화상선요(高峰和尙禪要) 평안 영변 보현사(普賢寺) 1731 四周單邊 17.3×12.5 8行18字 2葉花紋 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
105 고왕관세음경(高王觀世音經) 경기 양주 내원암(內院庵) 1467 四周單邊 19.7×14.5 8行16字 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
106 관세음보살묘응시현제중감로(觀世音菩薩妙應示現濟衆甘露) 경기 불명(不明) 감로사(甘露社) 1878 四周雙邊 20×13.1 10行20字 黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
107 관세음보살시식(觀世音菩薩施食) 경상 하동 신흥사(神興寺) 1550 四周單邊 18.0×13.1 8行17字 黑口 ; 黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
108 관세음보살영험약초(觀世音菩薩靈驗略抄) 경상 진주 철굴(鐵窟) 1531 四周雙邊 17.5×12.5 7行16字 大黑口 ; 黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
109 관세음보살영험약초(觀世音菩薩靈驗略抄) 충청 은진 쌍계사(雙溪寺) 1634 四周雙邊 17.3×12.5 8行13字 大黑口 ; 黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
110 관세음보살영험약초(觀世音菩薩靈驗略抄) 평안 영변 보현사(普賢寺) 1683 四周單邊 22.6×15.8 10行20字 黑魚尾 도상 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
111 관세음보살영험약초(觀世音菩薩靈驗略抄) 경상 김해 감로사(甘露寺) 1716 四周單邊 22.9×16.3 9行18字 2葉花紋 도상 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
112 관세음보살영험약초(觀世音菩薩靈驗略抄) 전라 광주 증심사(證心寺) 1721 四周雙邊 21.8×16.1 16行24字 2葉花紋 도상 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
113 관세음보살영험약초(觀世音菩薩靈驗略抄) 평안 영변 보현사(普賢寺) 1728 四周單邊 22.6×15.8 10行20字 2葉花紋 도상 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
114 관세음보살영험약초(觀世音菩薩靈驗略抄) 함경 안변 석왕사(釋王寺) 1728 四周單邊 22.2×16 16行24字 2葉花紋 도상 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
115 관세음보살영험약초(觀世音菩薩靈驗略抄) 황해 해주 신광사(神光寺) 1732 四周單邊 20.2×16.2 16行22字 2葉花紋 도상 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
116 관세음보살영험약초(觀世音菩薩靈驗略抄) 충청 덕산 가야사(伽倻寺) 1762 四周單邊 22.6×15.8 10行20字 黑魚尾 도상 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
117 관세음보살영험약초_언해(觀世音菩薩靈驗略抄_諺解) 경기 한성 교서관(校書館) 1485 四周雙邊 17.5×12.5 12行14字 大黑口 ; 黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
118 관세음보살영험약초_언해(觀世音菩薩靈驗略抄_諺解) 경상 풍기 철암(哲庵) 1550 四周雙邊 17.3×12.3 12行14字 大黑口 ; 黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
119 관세음보살예문(觀世音菩薩禮文) 경기 한성 원각사(圓覺寺) 1465 四周單邊 18.2×12.4 8行20字 黑魚尾 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
120 관세음보살예문(觀世音菩薩禮文) 전라 해남 대흥사(大興寺) 1755 四周單邊 19.3×13.2 8行15字 2葉花紋 Newly Collected Buddhist Literature Person Name of Buddhist Books
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